Sunday, June 03, 2007

The Fight Goes On

May was a bad month, I fell off the wagon several times and smoked. So far in June I have been less than perfect in my goal of not smoking. I continue to battle this demon that I had thought I had beaten.

President Putin of Russia is threatening to redeploy Nueclear Missels. They would be pointed at Europe and other American "Allies". So much for trusting our new friend in Russia. President Putin was a communist sworn to destroy the United States, 30 years later President Putin is still a communist sworn to destroy the United States. As much as I support President Bush he was WRONG to trust Putin!

The Texas Rangers (baseball team) continue to battle with the Kansas City Royals for the "honor" of being the worst team in Baseball. Thre Royals are 21 - 35 (14 games out of first place in their division), The Rangers are 20 - 36 (14 1/2 games out of first place in their division). As it stands right now, before any games are played on June 3rd, The Rangers have the right to proclaim themselves as the worst team in Baseball. In the 30 plus years that the Rangers have played in Arlington they have managed to make the Playoffs 3 times, winning one game. We have NO pitching, We have NO Defense and our hitting only works against lousy pitchurs. Enough is Enough, Fire the OWNER! Fire the General Manager! Fire the Manager! The Fans here in North Texas have put up with this insult to professional baseball for two long.

Senator Fred Thompson has taken the first step towards running for President. Senator Thompson best known for his role on Law and Order (The Television Show) seems to be a staunch conservative. He immediately becomes one of the top four in the race and the second best canidate for conservatives (like myself). Here are my preferences, as they stand right now:

1) Duncan Hunter
2) Fred Thompson
3) Tom Tancredo
4) Mitt Romney
5) Mike Huckabee
6) Tommy Thompson
7) Newt Gingrich (not announced)
8) Rudy
9) Senator Brownback
10) Sentor John McCain (Not really a Republican)
11) Ron Paul (This man is a lunatic, I would prefer a couple of the Democrats to seeing this nutcase in the White House)
The Shocking arrest of 3 men planning a Terrorist attack on JFK airport should remind everyone that these Islamic Fanatics want to kill Americans. In spite of what the leading Democrat canidates for President are saying these Islamofacists are not intrested in making "Nice" with America if we just try to understand them. I wonder if Senator Edwards would still claim that the War on Terrorism is Just a bumper sticker if these maniacs had succeded with their plan?

Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
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1 comment:

cerebraldebris said...

I'll pray for your success at eventually kicking those damn cigarettes Unk. I'm coming off a 23 year addiction to nicotine myself.
I had tried cold turkey, the patch, gum, hypnotism.
I've never been able to get beyond the 3rd day.Never even made it through the 3rd day. This time around I'm using Chantix. No nicotine in it,The drug blocks the receptors that have been hijacked by nicotine... keeps it from getting in and over-stimulating the dopamine. At the same time it gives a little bit of a dopamine time release effect.
You smoke for the first week while the drug builds in your system. Pick a quit date and continue on with the drug twice a day.
I've gone through the initial week and am going into day four of quitting now. The cravings are far less, I feel better and my anxiety is A LOT lower than previous attempts to quit.
Either way- I wish you the best and pray for your success at breaking this addiction.

Take care UnkHiram.