Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Twelve who Don't Care what we think

Pressure from the grass roots killed the Amnesty bill. It killed it by convincing Republican Senators that to pass that bill would guarantee their retirement. Of the 23 Repbublican Senators that voted to support Amnesty on the first round 11 learned their lesson. Here is the name of the Twelve Repbulican Senators that refuse to listen to the people:

Senator Bennett of Utah ---- Lets make sure he has a Primary Opponent
Senator Craig of Idaho ---- Retire this guy!
Senator Grahamn of South Carolina ---- This guy in not a Republican he is a devotee of McCain
Senator Greg of New Hampshire --- Lets make sure he has a Primary Opponent
Senator Hagel of Nebraska --- This guy needs to be removed from Office
Senator Kyl of Arizona ----- This Idiot should no better, Arizona is overrun with Illeagals.
Senator Lott of Mississippi --- And this Moron wants to be a Leader in the Republican Party
Senator Luger of Indiana ---- Lets Make sure he has a Primary Opponent
Senator Martinez of Florida ---- Lets Make sure he has a Primary Opponent
Senator McCain of Arizona ---- This man has become an enemy of the Conservative Movement
Senator Snowe of Maine ---- Not a Republican --- She is a Socialist
Senator Spectre of Pennsylvania --- Lets Make sure he has a Primary Opponent

These twelve "Republican" Senators have voted to throw open the borders of our Nation and give Amnesty to Gang Members, Murderers and Rapists. DONT vote for them, DONT support them and DONT contribute money to the Natl party so long as they are "Leaders".

Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
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