Sunday, August 26, 2007

Texas Straw Poll

The Texas Straw Poll is Next Friday and Saturday and the whining by the longshot lunatic suppoters of Ron Paul has already begun.

Posted August 13th, 2007 by Devils.Advocate
Here is the problem with Dr. Ron Paul having a good showing in his OWN STATE OF TEXAS. The only people who can vote in the Texas Straw Poll are people who have been delegates in the past!

IN other words, I, a Texas Republican cannnot go to Fort Worth on Sept 1 and vote for Dr. Ron Paul in my own state.

Please read the rest of this BS at:

Owners Comments: I would like to set the record straight, anyone that has been a delegate or alternate to the State Primary in 2006, 2004, 2002 or 2000 can vote in the Republican Straw Poll. In Other words anyone that has actually been a member of the Republican party and worked to elect Republicans (Not Lunatic Libertarians) can vote.

I will be attending the Straw Poll and I strongely urge everyone that is eligible to attend go and vote for Duncan Hunter. Or Tom Tancredo, Mike Huckabee or even Fred Thompson lets not let the liberal Northeastern "Republicans" or the Conspiracy Whackos pick our Presidential candidate.

Keep America Free --- VOTE DUNCAN HUNTER!!!!
Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
Please send any feedback to


Anonymous said...

I would have to strongly disagree. Ron Paul supporters, myself included, are not all wackos. They are mostly people that are refreshed by the integrity and ideals of Dr. Paul. The two main issues that face this country are the war in Iraq and restoring fiscal responsibility. Ron Paul is the best candidate to pull us out of this mess. I urge you to listen to Dr. Paul speak, all previous notions aside, before making your decision. It is refreshing to have a candidate that unites.

Bill said...

Normally, I reject all comments from people who will not identify themselves. I let this one fly because I wanted to restate my position in regards to Congressman Ron Paul. Congressman Paul voted to cut off funding to American Soldiers WHILE THEY WERE BEING SHOT AT! I wore the uniform and I consider that to be borderline Treason. This man is NOT conservtive and he is NOT a Republican.