Sunday, September 16, 2007

ON the Home Front: Stirring up the Dust

This has been a year of change around the Hocutt household, which is a stone cold fact. First, my oldest daughter blessed us with a happy, healthy Grandson, named William David Howard. Second, my own health crisis. A Crisis that has done much to make me appreciate all of the blessings that have rained down on me and mine. Then, my youngest daughter graduated from high school and moved out of our house. For the first time since Feb of 1987, my sweet wife and I, are living alone, entering into the long sought after demographic known as "Empty Nesters".

All of these things coming one after another, in a very short span of time, really rocked our world and forced us to re-examine many of the absolute truths that we subscribed to. For years, we have lived in a broken down home in Celeste, occasionally looking for a new place, but determine not to leave the Celeste area until our kids were out of school. When my youngest moved out, we started, seriously, looking for a new place to live. No longer restrained by our need to remain in the Celeste School District, we started looking all over Hunt County and started discussing moving back to her Family's homestead in Van Zandt County. We looked high and low for a couple of months, and had just about given up hope on staying in Hunt County. A close friend of ours suggested we go check out a house on Wolf Run (in Celeste). We really didn't think it was going to pan out, but we went ahead and drove over to see it. Much as we feared the house would not meet our needs, so we headed back home. As we swerved to avoid the potholes, that seem to multiply like rabbits here in Celeste, we noticed another house in Celeste. One quick phone call, one quick tour, and we had found our new home.

Which, of course means we are moving. Filling boxes with almost ten years of memories, and junk, that we have accumulated since the last time we moved. Girl Scout Vests, Cub Scout books and thousands of other small items that stroked memories of the long years that we have lived in the two story house that used to belong to the "Piano Teacher".

The Good and Bad news of subject is that, Yes, we are moving but, No, we are not leaving Celeste. You can judge for yourself whether that is Good or Bad news. For me, it is good news, I have come to consider Celeste as my Home Town, and, yes, I realize I have only been here for a little over fourteen years, so I am still a newcomer.

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