Tuesday, October 23, 2007

A bit of this a bit of that

Well what Can I say I am trying to get back in the habit of nightly posts but life keeps interferring with my online fun.

Lets see what has happened since last we "Spoke".


The Cowboys beat Minnesota, so they are 6 and 1 going into the Bye Week. New Engand continues to destroy every time they play. Can hardly wait till the Patriot - Colt shoot out. The Cleveland Indians managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory and the Boston Red Sox march on to the World Series to play the superhot Coloroda Rockies. As a long time baseball fan I really wished I could say that I cared who won, but I don't. Basketball season starts in a week, and Colby is still in LA. Hope he stays there and continues to be totally irrelevant. The Mavs didn't make any real changes this off season, I hope they can get it back together and put together another strong season. The Mavs should have won the NBA Championship two years ago (But they choked), and they should have been a major contender for the title last year (But they choked). Looks like Coach Frans days in Texas A&M are numbered, its hard to believe a coach at that level of competition could be so stupid as to sell a "Newsletter" to boosters. Hockey Season has started, I still dont care.


My lunch book this week is the new Ralph Compton Western "West of the Law". I am about 70% through it and so far it has been a very good read. My House book is Stuart Wood's "Shoot Him if he Runs". A Good Mystery. Sitting on my "To Be Read" Shelf is the new Star Trek book, the New Xanth book, Harry Turtledove's latest book and Clive Cusslers last book. Before anyone asks, yes I do read nonfiction also but I have seen any nonfictions lately that caught my intrest.

Recently JK Rowlings decided to "out" one of the characters in her popular Harry Potter series. Quoting from the article "She was asked by one young fan whether Dumbledore finds "true love." "Dumbledore is gay," the author responded to gasps and applause." You can read the rest of the article at: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=3754341
Personally I dont know why Ms Rowlings choose to "Out" her character or what she hopes to accomplish, I might also point that I could't care less what her objectives were. Discussing the sexual perversions of a character in a series of books aimed at young people strikes me as being idiotic at the very least.


Heroes is still going good. My Name is Earl has made a very strong comeback from the disappointing drivel it put out last year. I have given up on Boston Legal. Numbers continues to be a regular watch but only because we can now Tivo stuff to watch when we have the time. The only new shows that we are enjoying are Chuck and Samantha Who. We tried Journeyman (Terrible), Bionic Woman (Worse), Caveman (insult to the intelligence of a termite) and Carpoolers (so bad the actors and the writers should be shot).

Lions Club:

Our stew supper was a real big success. Lots of folks showed up and ate lots of good homemade stew. They didn't let me cook this year. Our regular meeting is this Thursday (Day after tomorrow. We have a district meeting in Oak Cliff Saturday that I am going to try and attend. Finally got our Christmas Party booked for December 6th at Glenda's Cafe in Greenville.


It's still another six weeks till anyone can file for office, including me running for County Chair. But so far we have "official" announcements from Chris Bracken and Mike Pierce for County Commisoner (my precint), Sandy Berger for JP (No not the one that worked for Clinton) and Scott Cornanau (The Democrat that ran against Dan Flynn in 06) has announced he is running as a Republican for District Attorney. Since I am still the President of the Hunt County GOP Club I am required to remain neutral in all contested races, so until December 4th I cant actually work for or support any the candidates that I would prefer. I sure can't say that we need a real Republican to run for District Attorney.

Home Front:

We are getting settled into the new house, still unpacking but we its starting to feel like a home now. We burned our first fire in the fireplace tonight. Super Cool, I just love a fireplace. Finally got the entire yard mowed, never did get the riding lawn mower to work but finished it with the push mower. I swear we could have baled the grass from the back yard and fed a small herd of cattle.


Today I read Wynnewood and my first day of Projects in South Dallas. As always this was a very hard day and by the time I got through I was exhausted. The only really bad part of the day was the sweet lady that runs M S Beauty in Wynnewood is retiring. She has been running that shop for almost the entire time I read Winny. She used to buy girl scout cookies from my daughters and I can still remember telling her when I decided to join the Air Force, Get married and when my oldest was born. (My youngest was born while I was working in Arizona). She has always been one of the nicest folks on my route and I am going to really miss her. Thankfully it didn't rain at all today (at least not on me). Tomorrow it's back to Ft Worth then Denton. Not particularly hard day but I truely hate going to Ft Worth.

Keep America Free --- VOTE DUNCAN HUNTER!!!!
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