Saturday, May 24, 2008

More on Hillary

An old friend of mine just passed me links to two articles about Senator Hillary Clinton. The First an LA Times story about her apology:

Hillary Clinton apologizes over Robert F. Kennedy remarks
by Glenn Thrush, Newsday May 24, 2008
WASHINGTON -- Hillary Rodham Clinton on Friday invoked the June 1968 assassination of Robert F. Kennedy to defend her decision to remain in the presidential race until at least June 3 -- sparking a wave of condemnation by Barack Obama's supporters.Clinton quickly expressed regret for the unprompted reference -- interpreted by many in Obama's camp as a suggestion that she thinks Obama's life might be in danger.,0,3156156.story

the Second an Opion Piece that I would like to share with you:

The Cancer That Is Hillary Clinton
Posted 5/24/2008 6:32 AM CDT

As a follow-up to yesterday’s post on Hillary Clinton’s remarks in South Dakota in which she referenced the assassination of Bobby Kennedy, I was appalled at the number of people who left comments excusing her comments as the result of fatigue or just an unfortunate choice of words.
So I did a little research and found out that this was the third time Hillary or a member of her campaign has made similar statements regarding the assassination of a Kennedy. I would hardly call that a momentary lapse in judgement, more like an obsessive thought, in my opinion.

Please read the rest of this thought provoking column at:

Owner's Comments: I want to thank the White Gold Wielder for bringing these two articles to my attention. Siemper Fi Jeff

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