Texas Republican State Convention
Day One:
Today was the first day of the Texas State Republican Convention. The first State Convention since I became the County Chairman and to put it mildly it was very different from every other State Convention I have attended.
The Hunt County Delegation was seated and very orderly in no small part due to the outstanding help of Eric Wesson 3, Mike and David Hale. Most of the Convention Business today was just doing the "Organizing" work. ie appointing the Permanent Committee's and seating the delegates. The first general session ran pretty smoothly in spite of the efforts of a small and very loud minority.
Tommorrow I expect it will be a bit more "Exciting"! I was asked to be one of the people that "Second" one of the nominations in our CD for National Delegate. Darlene and I attended the Texas Republican County Chairman Association Brunch today. Michael William, the Chairman of the Railroad Commission gave an outstanding speach at the brunch. Govenor Perry also spoke at the brunch but with his record I have alot of problems putting alot of trust in his claims to be a "Conservative" Republican.
I thought Tina Benkiser (Chairman, Republican Party of Texas), did an outstanding job of being patient today during the 1st General Session today.
Do You Trust Barak Obama to pick your Doctor? If not vote John McCain for President!
Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
Please send any feedback to UnkHiram@gmail.com
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