Sunday, August 03, 2008

3rd Annual Hunt County GOP Club Speach

I thought I would share will yall the text of the Speach I gave yesterday at the 3rd Annual GOP Club Picnic

Here we are at the 3rd Annual Hunt County GOP Club Picnic and you have to ask yourself are we making any progress?

Yesterday in Washington DC Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi adjourned the house, turned off the microphones and cut off the lights rather than listen to conservative Republican Members of the House demand that the obstuctionist Democrat congress take some action on offshore drilling. Proving without a doubt that the Democrat game plane of running away rather than face reality is not to limited to members of the Texas House facing Redistricting.

This is why we need to Elect John McCain!

If you watch the news or read the papers you know that Senator Obama has just finished his "Brother Love Traveling Snake Oil World Tour". The crowds that he drew in Europe and the Middle East leave no doubt that he is the leading Presidential Candidate amoung people who wish to KILL US! Do we want to turn over the defense of our nation to a man who wont even wear an American Flag Lapel Pin?

This is why we need to Elect John McCain!

Recently to the delighted surprise of many of us the Supreme Court ruled that the Second Amendment still applys here in the United States. However, there were four members of the Supreme Court that voted NO in that decision. Four sitting Supreme Court Judges did not think we have the right to bear arms. Do you want Brother Love appointing Bill Clinton to the Supreme Court?

This is why we need to Elect John McCain!

Here in Hunt County we are blessed. We have a conservative representing us in Washington DC --- Ralph Hall. He has been the voice of conservative East Texas in the United States House since most of us were in Diapers. We have a State Senator --- Bob Deuell, that has worked his tail off for our beliefs in Austin. We also have Dan Flynn as a State Rep. Dan has been a shining beacon of Conservative Christian Philosphy in a State House that at times seems to have lost touch with its roots.

Come November we need to turn out our Conservative base and send a message to the County Courthouse, The State Capital and to DC that we DEMAND a government that respects the Constitution, Guards our Borders and will stand up to the Terrorists that are trying to kill us!

This is Why we need to Elect John McCain President and a Republican Congress, State House and County Courthouse. It is up to us to make our voices heard!

Do You Trust Barak Obama to pick your Doctor? If not vote John McCain for President!

Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
Please send any feedback to

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