Saturday, September 01, 2007

Texas Straw Poll

Got home from the Texas Straw Poll over in Ft Worth this afternoon. I found the event to be both a great deal of fun and a major source of irratation. Let me explain.

Of course I completely enjoyed interacting with Republican grass roots workers from all over the state and meeting folks that I shared political beliefs with. The "booths" were a lot smaller than you normally get at a State Convetion but I did manage to set up two new speakers for next year and tenatively schedule Cathy Adams to talk to the Hunt County GOP Club in Feb of 08. The free exchange of thoughts and ideals at these large gatherings make them worth the time and effort it takes to go to them. Just for the record I want to thank the Derr's of Delta County, The Pendergrass's of Rains County, Bill Baker and the Kaufman County Crowd and of course our fearless leader here in Hunt County Mickey Mixson and the ever outspoken Jay Atkins.

The speaches were on the whole outstanding. A couple do stick out in my mind. Congressman Duncan Hunter's campaign speach hit all the right notes and once more solified my support of his bid for the Presidency. As much as I liked Congressman Hunter's speach there is no doubt in my mind that the best speach at the Straw Poll was given by Railroad Commissioner Michael Willams. His take no prisoners attitude and his Fire and Brimestone Delivery force me to ask the question (AGAIN) when is this guy running for Govenor! The Day he announces that he is seeking a higher office will be the day I volunteer to work on his campaign. IF you have never heard this guy speak you really need to. He is a Strong Conservative with a ton of Charisma.

Now the irratating part. Personally I dont care who your candidate is, Fred, Mitt, McCain, Rudy or any of the others I expect Republicans to act like civilized Human beings. I will treat people with curtsey and respect if they treat me the same way. UNFORTNATELY, this concept is completely beyond the abilities of the Ron Paul supporters. Their behaviour was something you would expect to see at a Democrat convention. They were rude, shouting, ringing their "Liberty Bell", screaming through bull horns and getting in the face of anyone and everyone that disagreed with them. Protesting in front of the Convention Center because they were not all allowed to get in and vote in spite of the fact that they were not eligibe to vote. Attempting to disrupt the speaches of the other candidates and basically acting like brain damaged baboons. I take that back, baboons behave better.

Here are the results of the Texas Straw Poll:

41.1% Duncan Hunter (534 votes)
20.5% Fred Thompson (266 votes)
16.17% Ron Paul (217 votes)
6.4% Mike Huckabee (83 votes)
6% Rudy Giuliani (78 votes)
4.7% Mitt Romney (61 votes)
2.2% Ray McKinney (28 votes)
.77% John Cox (10 votes)
.62% John McCain (8 votes)
.46% Sam Brownback (6 votes)
.46% Tom Tancredo (6 votes)
.23% Hugh Cort (3 votes)

Keep America Free --- VOTE DUNCAN HUNTER!!!!
Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
Please send any feedback to


Radiofriendly said...

Looks like Ron didn't offend that many people if he got 3rd! Way to go Ron Paul you are building and always rising! God Bless.

Bill said...

I got two responses to this commentary. I published the one from Aaron because in spite of the fact that I dont agree with his comments he had the guts to identify himself. The comment that I choose NOT to publish was extremely rude and the writer did not have the cajones to id himself. As I stated before I will not publish any comments from cowards that are afraid to give their name