A Cancer in the Courthouse
There are just some things that we cannot accept, no matter what Political party a person is a member of. Like many of you, I have been reading the reports about the Courthouse and the firing of the County Human Resource Director. The abrupt manner in which Marilyn Green, the Human Resource Director was fired, with no severance package and no reason publicly released, raised the first red flags that there was a problem at the courthouse. Let me rephrase that, yet another problem at the courthouse and a new one.
We have, as Hunt County taxpayers, watched as excuses, explanations and reasons for the shoddy construction of the Jail continues to bleed our tax funds away. The problem is still there, we still don't know exactly who is to blame, what is wrong with the Jail or how to fix it. A question every County Commissioner needs to answer BEFORE we consider them for re-election.
We have, as Hunt County taxpayers, watched as the accusations and finger pointing has gone back and forth between the Commissioner's, Court and the Sheriff's Department about embezzled funds, budgets and wasted dollars. So far this "controversy" has cost one County Judge his job. We are still waiting for an explanation and we need them BEFORE we consider re-electing any County Commissioners or Sheriffs.
Now, we have a third scandal brewing. This one involving the illegal use of county employees and equipment for, among other things, campaigning in the last election. Falsification of time sheets (FRAUD), Misuse/Abuse of Sick Time (FRAUD), Illegal destruction of county Documents (OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE?), Utilization of County Employees and Equipment for personal business (THEFT!). Enough is Enough! IF there is one grain of truth in these accusations, Let me be the first to call on Commissioner Ralph Green, husband of the Terminated Director of Human Resources, to RESIGN! I am sick and tired of seeing Hunt County Embarrassed, I am sick and tired of Hunt County being a laughingstock!
Apparently Judge Horn has a adopted a new broom philosophy and is sweeping all of this garbage out into the open so it can be cleaned up. I applaud that, Judge Horn, we the citizens of Hunt County will not abide a Crook in office. It does not matter which Political Party they are a member of, It does not matter who's old friend they are, It does not matter how long they have been in office. We want them exposed, removed from office and prosecuted. Enough is Enough! CLEAN UP OUR COURTHOUSE!!
Keep America Free --- VOTE DUNCAN HUNTER!!!!
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