Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Early Voting

Here in Texas we are allowed to vote for a couple of weeks Early in order to make sure everyone has the chance to vote. I took advantage of that today, since I will not be in Hunt County while the polls are open on March 4th. Of course I voted in the Republican Primay.

This was a particularly tough election cycle. Thankfully, here in Texas, we have the option of voted uncommitted in the Presidential primary. I was saved the agravation of voting for a candidate that had already dropped out of the race or voting for a lying ex-Govenor from Arkansas or voting for a moderate Democrat disguised as a Republican. I will not list all of the folks I voted for on the ballot today but I did vote for the Folks I endorsed in my Last Article in the Celeste Tribune. Ralph Hall for Congress, Randy Meeks for Sheriff, Noble Walker for District Attorney and Chris Bracken for County Commissioner. I also had the rare treat of voting for myself in the race for Chairman of the Hunt County Republican Party. Of course since I am running unopposed, my one vote should be enough to win the office for me.

Keep America Free --- VOTE DUNCAN HUNTER!!!!
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