I thought we would discuss a few of things that are on my mind at the moment, not all political. Like most folks My life does not revolve around politics, it includes sports, entertainment and other things that bounce around in my head.
Today on the Mark Davis (WBAP 820 AM out of Dallas), I heard a news report that Condi Rice
is actively seeking the VP nomination. I am not sure exactly how I feel about
that ideal. I am hoping that Senator McCain will pick a hardline conservative to be his running mate. I like Condi but she has not exactly flooded us with her beliefs on many of the key issues that should shape the choice for VP. McCain needs to pick someone that is Pro 2nd Amendment, Pro War on Terrorism, Pro Life, Pro Border Control, in Favor of Smaller Govt and in his late 40's or early 50's. A perfect candidate would be JC Watts of Oklahoma.

On April 19th 2008 we will be having the Grand Opening of the New Hunt County Republican Party Headquarters. Our new Office is in downtown Greenville (2518 Lee Street) across from the County Courthouse. To be honest I worry about the financing of the HQ and the party for the next few years. As I did with the Club and the Picnic's that I coordinated for the last few years I did a rough estimate of expenses and projected donations. I have gotten committments
from two elected officials for sizeable donations (I will not share their names till I actually have the money in the Party Checking account) that will give us a good start on fundraising. However, the key to financing the Party will depend on our Grand Opening fundraiser and getting committments from local Republicans to make monthly donations. The way I have it figured (and I admit my estimated costs are probably high) I need to get 40 folks to committ to a $25 monthly donation. Or raise the equivalent amount from the fundraiser. We do have a couple of good items donated for the Auction (A CDL Course for two and a Republican Flag signed by a few elected officials). More items are being donated but I am not aware of exactly what they will be yet. I also know I can count on Senator Deuell and State Rep Dan Flynn to support the party financially but my goal is ensure that the County Party can continue to grow and lets face facts that takes money.

It seems that one of the Democrat Candidates for President is easily confused about the 
difference between rhetoric and fact. Senator Hillary Clinton recently made the claim that She came under "Sniper Fire" when she landed in Bosnia during her husbands Term as President. Let me point out to Senator Clinton that if you have time to stop and kiss a cute kid then you are not fleeing sniper fire.

Disagree or Agree feel free to add your own comments.
Please send any feedback to UnkHiram@BHocutt.com
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