Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Court bans death penalty for child rape

by MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court declared Wednesday that executions are too severe a punishment for raping children, despite the "years of long anguish" for victims, in a ruling that restricts the death penalty to murder and crimes against the state.

The court's 5-4 decision struck down a Louisiana law that allows capital punishment for people convicted of raping children under 12. It spares the only people in the U.S. under sentence of death for that crime — two Louisiana men convicted of raping girls 5 and 8.

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Owner's Comments: This is exactly why we need to put aside our differences with Senator John McCain and make sure he wins the election in November. If Barak Hussein Obamma is elected President you can guarantee that the Supreme Court will continue to legeslate from the bench for another generation.

Do You Trust Barak Obama to pick your Doctor? If not vote John McCain for President!

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