Sunday, September 02, 2007

A Couple of Books I just finished reading

Since this was one of the "Easy" weeks at work I was actually able to do some reading on my lunch hours.

The "New" Destroyer: Guardian Angel by Warren Murphy & James Mullaney ( Many years ago I read every book of the original Destroyer series by Sapir & Murphy. They were not "Great" Books, to be honest they were just mind candy. Books that were enjoyable to read that did not require a great deal of thinkng. The type of books I like to read to relax my mind, something we all need to do occasionally or become so mentally strained that Ted Kennedy begins to make sense. Then Sapr Died and Murphy retired ad Gold Eagle began to publish the books. The Series lost its charm at this point, it was apparent that Gold Eagle did not understand the unique brand of humor that had made the series such a success. Instead they published "Mack Bolan" Books about a killer that did not need guns. To put it mildly they were a major disappointment. Recenty Warren Murphy decided to start writing the series himself again, along with the very able help o James Mullaney. Guardian Angel was the first book in the new series. It was like finding an old friend. The unique brand of humor that made Remo and Chuin special 20 years ago was back. A very Enjoyable Read ---- I Strongly recommend it.

Barbed Wire by Elmer Kelton ---- ( Another very good western that reinforces the belief that Elmer Kelton belongs on the same podium as Louis L'Amour, Zane Grey and Ralph Comptom. If you enjoy westerns ----- Read This Book

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